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Incident Management

Fitness Forever Incidents Management System

Reporting and Investigation of Incidents Following Fitness Forever’s Requirements

Incident Response

No. Activity Responsible Party Time after incident
1 Provide Fitness Forever’s director with basic information and facts regarding the incident. Personal Trainer Immediately
2 Make the area safe and initiate emergency response. Obtain prompt and appropriate medical care for personnel (if required). Personal Trainer Immediately


Further information & Guidance – Incident Response

Preserve evidence that may be useful in the investigation, or as required by regulations.  Take photographs (if safe to do so) of the scene if possible and note the position of people and equipment relative to the incident.  Collect and secure equipment damaged / involved / contributing to the incident for investigation purposes.


No. Activity Responsible Party Time after incident
1 Inform Fitness Forever’s director about the incident. Personal Trainer Immediately
2 Make a preliminary assessment of actual severity and potential risk. Personal Trainer Immediately
3 Complete the Incident report document Personal Trainer Immediately


4 All incidents; carer, support worker or case manager to be contacted Personal Trainer Immediately



No. Activity Responsible Party Time after incident
1 Ensure an Investigation Team Leader is appointed


Business director Within 24 hrs
2 The Investigation Team Leader is responsible for selecting Team Members with the adequate levels of competence and expertise to conduct a thorough investigation. Business director Within 24 hrs
3 All incidents require an investigation report.


Incident reports may be disclosed externally to key Shareholders  and contractors and staff or any authority (on request).

Business director Within 7 days



No. Activity Responsible Party Time after incident
1 Update risk register Business director Within 7 days
2 Implement corrective actions Business director Within 7 days
3 Enter a close-out report explaining how corrective actions have been implemented Business director Within 7 days



In the instance of the following incidents (listed below) which involve a NDIS participant; the following actions will be undertaken:

Serious injury
Abuse or neglect
Sexual or physical assault
Sexual misconduct, and
Unauthorised use of restrictive practices

Report to the NDIS Commission

  • We promptly report all specified incidents (above) to the NDIS Commission and notify any relevant authorities, such as the police, as required.

Incident Management System

  • We have implemented and maintain a comprehensive incident management system (above) that is tailored for our small business and supports we deliver to ensure all corrective actions are taken, specifically for the reporting, investigation, analysis and learning.


Updated 01.01.2024

Review date: 01/01/2025

Review by: Suanne Lowery